What is a Limper in Poker?

What is a Limper in Poker
November 23, 2022 0 Comments

Getting a good feel for what a limper in poker is all about is a must for any poker player. You might have to play against a number of them in order to win your tournament, so knowing what to expect from them is key to a successful game.

A good limping strategy is to be selective and judicious. This can be done by looking at the table and figuring out which player is most likely to give you the best value in the long run.

Often, the best way to get the most value from your limping opponent is to not be a limper. It is also possible to exploit a limper in order to get a better feel for what they are holding. Often, a limper will fold their weaker hands, so a small raise may be in order to stop them.

The flop is the best time to try and get a read on your opponent’s hand. This is particularly true if you are the big blind. If you’re in a good position, you can opt to make a low pair into a monster with the right flop.

The flop is also a good time to bet the small blind. The small blind has a mathematically calculated odds of seeing the flop. Depending on your stack size, this might be a good time to raise or re-raise.

The best flop-hand to limp in with is pocket fives. You can easily make your big bet, and if you get lucky, you can get away with it.